otai vs noob

ha...kali ni sy saje nk kasi tunjuk skil memasing....this three of image was belonging by my frens name isma...i called him Tuan Tun Hj Isma...hehe..(tun klu awk bace jgn marah) tun n i juz begin this hobby around 1 month...tun use d60 me use 400d...but one of this men in here use 1Ds...heheh otai ma...ok so...tun isma take the picture as wat u can see at top...so...the otai named tun toyol juz edited it use powerful full of powder software n produce this same picture but not the same color....and me..hehehe...use the chow kiia software one produce the last picture....here u can see wat people did around one month n eight years..hehe...but this is a learning process...we are juz in same hobby and can share the knowledge...so im happy to be fren of both walaupon aku ni tahap adik2 diorang jek...hehehe...thank you tun toyol for sharing knowledge...thank you tun isma for ur knowledge to upgrade my beloved V6TT...heheheh cheers all.....chalo...
2 iDeas:
aa..jeng, aku nak join gak..tapi aku bkn otai cam dorang.
No Problem Jeng... U are always welcome
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